Monday, March 5, 2012

Are Schlerotherapy Costs and Risks Worth It?

  Sclerotherapy is a medical procedure that many people turn to when they are suffering from unsightly varicose veins. Those large purple veins that protrude from a person's skin are not attractive and can cause people a great deal of anxiety. It causes them to feel less confident and self assured. When a person suffers from varicose veins and/or spider veins, they often want to know how to rid themselves of their ugly veins. Many sufferers turn to a doctor for relief from visible veins. Doctors use sclerotherapy to help make them disappear. Schleropathy is a procedure where the doctor injects a solution into specific parts of a vein which causes the vein to shut down until it is absorbed into a person's body and is no longer visible to anyone.
     Sclerotherapy Costs
  The cost of sclerotherapy is significant. It is also directly related to the number of sessions a person needs to help remove spider and varicose veins. Doctors note that some patients may only need one treatment to rid their bodies of a small vein but that the vast majority of their patients need to have multiple sclerotherapy treatments, which means that the sclerotherapy costs are significant. The typical price for one treatment runs anywhere between $200 and $500, depending on the doctor a patient chooses to use. Multiple sclerotherapy treatments can cost several thousand dollars. Additionally, if varicose veins and/or spider veins are severe enough, patients may require a yearly touch up injection to prevent them from returning to the surface of a person's skin.
    Sclerotherapy Side Effects
  While there is little risk of bleeding or infection associated with sclerotherapy, there are several other significant risks associated with these injections. The injections can be quite painful and depending on where a patient needs to be injected, the injections can be excruciating. One of the biggest sclerotherapy side effects includes brown spots developing on the injection sites. These spots can take anywhere from two months to six months to appear. They can be small and barely noticeable, like a freckle or larger and much more noticeable. Furthermore, weak veins that are treated using sclerotherapy are subject to severe bruising at the injection site. Lastly, scabs can form at the injection sites and patients will need to have them treated with antibiotics until they subside.
   Varicose Vein Control
  Varicose Vein Control, from Forces of Nature, is an all natural formula designed to treat the inflammation of veins that cause spider and varicose veins. This treatment is certified as organic by the USDA, and it is available to use by anyone who wants to treat their unsightly veins. It is a noninvasive method of treatment for spider veins and varicose veins; patients simply apply several drops of this topical solution twice a day gently to their veins and watch them begin to disappear. There are no injections, no high costs and no pain involved in this simple easy to use treatment. The results of Varicose Vein Control are immediate as well as long-term. Those who suffer from varicose and spider veins will see immediate improvement to the appearance of their skin that is long-lasting as well.

1 comment:

  1. Varicose veins can really be quite dangerous if you don't get them taken care of. A blood clot can form very easily, and spread around the body. If an embolism forms in a major artery it could be a matter of minutes before you die. Spider veins don't look the best, but usually aren't as life threatening.
