Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Surgical Techniques for Breast Augmentation

  In our day and age, the wonders of plastic surgery have opened up a plethora of options for those who wish to change the size and shape of their body. The breasts are one area of the body that women choose to enhance through various surgical techniques. Breast augmentation allows a woman to increase the size and shape of breasts that are perceived as too small.

  One common method for increasing size is by inserting a silicone-rubber shell, which is filled with either a saline or silicone solution. Based on your perceived "perfect shape," you'll need to decide the outcome you want from surgery. For instance, do you want a smooth or textured surface? As far as shape goes, do you prefer rounded or teardrop? How far would you like your new breasts to protrude from your chest? What volume or weight of solution can your body type handle? Would you prefer saline or silicone?

  Your plastic surgeon will discuss the options for your new silhouette during your initial visit before the procedure. In addition to your preferred new look, he'll help you consider other factors like your body shape, your size and overall weight, and anything else which may affect the performance of your augmented breasts.

Surgical Techniques

  When you're getting a breast augmentation, there are four different surgery sites which can be used to insert the shell. They include below the breasts, through the nipple, under the arm, or through the belly button. Some of these options are more ideal than others, so you and your physician will weigh the pros and cons of each.

Inframammary Technique

  This is the most common technique for breast augmentation. The incision is made where the underside of the breast and the chest wall meet, leaving a scar which is effectively hidden. The implant is typically inserted in front of the pectoral muscles.

Transaxillary Technique

  This technique inserts the implant underneath the arm, which leaves the least amount of scarring. With this incision, the implant is generally inserted behind the muscle, an ideal position for thin women or those having reconstructive surgery after cancer. The muscle hides the ripple effect of saline implants.

Transumbillical Technique

  This technique is one of the most difficult to place, but it leaves no scarring around the breasts or the upper parts of the body. The implant is inserted through an incision made at the belly button. Often a camera scope is necessary to help with placement.

Periareolar Technique

  This technique allows an implant to be inserted through the areola of the breast. Scarring is fairly well hidden between the varying skin colors which indicate the beginning of the areola. The implant can be placed either in front of the pectoral muscle, or behind it. One disadvantage to this technique is the significant damage caused to milk-producing glands and nerves. It's not recommended for those who wish to breastfeed at any time after the procedure.

  For a wide variety of information regarding breast augmentation Riverside locals can count on the professionals at http://www.renuance.net.

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